ELEMENT I.5.C.: The organization has and follows written policies and procedures so that researchers and research staff may bring forward to the organization concerns or suggestions regarding the Human Research Protection Program, including the ethics review process.
The HRPP should have open communications with researchers and research staff under its oversight and be responsive to questions, concerns, and suggestions. Policies and procedures should describe the ways researchers and research staff may communicate with representatives of the HRPP.
Regulatory and guidance references
Required written materials
- Essential requirements:
- Policies and procedures describe the process for researchers and research staff to obtain answers to questions, express concerns, and convey suggestions regarding the HRPP.
- Researchers and research staff know how to obtain answers to questions regarding the HRPP.
- Researchers and research staff know how to express concerns or convey suggestions about the HRPP.
- Researchers and research staff find the organization responsive to their questions, concerns, and suggestions.